‘A cinematic event that unveils silent tales of surreal fantastika to a haunting live score.’ A black and white silent film, scratch built with a junkyard aesthetic, Dreamtangle is an ambitious piece of event cinema that explores the themes of lucid dreaming, memory, and collective unconscious. It tells an epic narrative of love, revenge, and redemption that reaches across worlds and through time. Told in three parts, the story begins with a retro sci-fi story of mad science, reminiscent of Fritz Lang, as one man’s obsessions take him on an oneironautic descent into the depths of the mind. The second piece is an apocalyptic fairytale in a bleak Mad Max future, and follows a girl’s shamanic hunt through her dreams for the elusive memory of an event that may never have happened. The film concludes with a metaphysical collision of the first two narratives, as a nightmare pursuit and desperate escape deconstruct the nature of reality. Scored by local Melbourne post-rock band The Butcherbirds, the dark and haunting music combines with the beautifully unsettling black and white visuals of filmmaker Jim Batt, weaving together to form a uniquely compelling piece of audio-visual storytelling that conceptualises the intuitive logic and emotion of dreams. Dreamtangle screens as a performance piece, with the band playing the score live to the film, creating a powerful and emotive audience experience. |
Credits |
Written & Directed by Jim Batt Music by The Butcherbirds |